Wednesday, April 13, 2011

IT'S A ...


Wray Family said...

How exciting! Boys are so fun! You two are going to be the cutest parents!

Tyson and Capri said...

I am so so excited. we are finally gettting some boys in the family:) we are used to the girls now 4 boys!! kinda wierd.. But i am so happy for you guys!!! I knew it was a boy:)

Darwin, Jen, Jensyn, Hurley, Violet, and Daphne said...

Congratulations. Boys are so fun!


I hope you don't mind that I read your blog. I have no idea what you must be going through. Congratulations!!! That is so exciting. Boys are the Best!

Austin & Shawnee said...

Yay! Congrats exciting!

The Wilson Family said...

Hooray!!! Hunting buddy for Colby

Anonymous said...

Yea, that is so exciting. So happy for you two.

Kari said...

Yeah!!! I was so excited to see your title! I haven't been up on blogs lately. Congrats! Thanks for sharing your story. It really is inspiring. So neat to hear about the thought that came to your head by the spirit in the temple! Amazing!
Crazy your adoption process started in Oct. 2009. It is so hard to wait!
So neat to see all the experiences you two have had as a couple and with the spirit. So so hard thinking about all the ups and downs that go along with it, not being able to get pregnant and then even once deciding on adoption, to wait and wonder why no one has chosen you yet and on and on. I'm so glad this has a happy ending! I got the chills reading the title "this is when it gets good" and the whole time reading it. I loved reading about her letter and basket and all the coincidences and colby bawling and imagining you grinning ear to ear!! I love how you wrote "the end (and really the beginning). I can't even explain all of my feelings I just had reading all of this. I AM JUST SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!!

Ryan and Nicole said...

Boys are so fun! Congrats, can't wait to read more as you continue getting ready for his arrival :)

The Hatch Batch said...

Hello, my name is Crystal Hatch (used to be Clark) I'm not sure if you know me but I went to Fremont too and I'm Colby's sister Ashley's age. Anyway, I have seen your adoption picture on Karie Jones blog for while now and when I saw the title, "It's a boy" I was very curious to see what was happening so I visited your blog. Thank you for sharing your touching story. I could feel your strong testimony as you told of this trial. We have some close friends that have had this same trial. They have actually been married about 6 and a half yrs, almost the same as you guys! They were just chosen this last month for adoption of twin baby girls:) We are hoping that everything works! I'm going to tell her to read your amazing story! Good luck with your little boy-

Ps-I used to do Colby's grandma Dixie's hair some years back. She was so sweet! Tell her hello for me if you remember-