Thursday, August 18, 2011

Almost Baby Time

We are so excited to welcome baby Miles into our home. I have been watching the baby ticker at the top of my blog for months now and I swear it has taken much longer than it should have. But now I can look at it and know that he will actually be here sooner than it says. Our birthmother is going to be induced early, so we get to meet baby Miles even earlier than we thought!
I have been enjoying my last week alone before I go back to school and finishing the last few things so that I'm ready for him to come home. I have been thinking a lot lately about how things are going to change and be different. The other day I was at the grocery store and the lady in front of me was complaining to the cashier about how much harder it is to go to the store now that she has kids. I know that she was frustrated and I don't want to judge her in any way, but it made me think about that and how things will be different. I guess it just made me think about how many times I have been to the store in the past and it felt like there were moms all around me helping their kids and getting frustrated and doing all those normal things that moms do and how it made me feel sad that I couldn't be doing that right then. It is hard to go somewhere and feel like it is always in front of you that you are alone and you don't have kids yet. So now I am so so excited to be able to have this change come into our lives. Everyone always tells us: "Your life is going to change!" I know it isn't going to be easy and that a lot of change is coming, but because of what we have been through, I really believe that when those hard days come around, I will be able to tolerate it and look back to a time when I would give anything for the hard days. We can't wait for our lives to change! This has given us the opportunity to be so much more grateful to have a child in our family and to appreciate the opportunity to be a mother and a father much more than if we were able to get pregnant without any trouble.
So here we are ready and waiting for the CHANGE :)
Here are some pictures of his nursery so far :)


Tyson and Capri said...

YAY!! one more week!! I am so so excited to meet baby Miles. We have waited a long time for this little man to get here:) SO EXCITED!!!

Janeen said...

Well said! I completely understand.
I think about you almost daily, knowing these changes are coming soon. What an amazing experience!
Your nursery is adorable; you look ready!
I pray everything goes smoothly!

Anonymous said...

His nursery is darling! You are going to be an amazing mom! Jeremy and I are so happy for you and Colby!

Brandon and Lindsey said...

I can't wait! I hope everything goes great! And let us know if you need anything! Sure was good to see you at the wedding! Miss you guys!! can't wait to see Miles!

Tara said...

I am so excited for you. All the changes that are coming are GOOD changes. All the frustration and sacrificing is worth it when your little one smiles or gives you hugs and kisses. I love love love the newborn phase, so enjoy every minute holding him--which I am sure you will. Congrats...I look forward to lots of pics.