Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Where has the time gone?

I can't believe my last post was clear back in August!! Please forgive me for being such a huge slacker...I need to do better. Here is a little of what has been going on in our lives the last few months.

We sold Colby's truck :( We have had this since right before we got married. It was sad to see it go, but it will be ok. Colby loved taking care of this truck. Hopefully the new owner will enjoy it just as much as we did.
One of our last trips of the summer was to see the Castle Valley Pageant. If you haven't been here before, I highly recommend it. It is a little pageant they do out in the middle of nowhere about the pioneers. Before it starts, they have all kinds of activities like wagon rides, how to milk a cow (this was my first time - talk about gross!), mountain men, etc. It was a lot of fun.

Of course we had our annual hunting trips. Colby went muzzle loader dear hunting and rifle elk hunting. Unfortunately, he came home empty handed on both trips. But my dad was successful. This is his elk.

My bro is finally home! We were so excited to see him and hear all about his great experiences. I am so proud of him and the great missionary he was. It's good to have you home Bryce!
Me and my mom with our signs :)

All of us siblings (Me, Brittany, Bryce, and Susan)


Jeff and Susan said...


Amanda said...

So good to see he is home safe. I can't believe how tall he is, and how much he looks like a young grandpa Bert.

Kari said...

I've never milked a cow either and I think I's be saying "Gross" too!
How cool are you in all your hunting gear!!
Love the pics of all you sibs. Looks like Bryce and Susan should've been the twins, or you and Brittany with the height and all!!